
Pioneer of the manufacturing industry in the country.
Heidelberg Materials Butra Sdn Bhd has become an integral player in our nation building by being the first locally produced cement. We are proud to be a part of our nation’s progress since 1996. Our commitment to quality and strength ensures every project stands the test of time.
Heidelberg Materials have set a goal to be carbon net zero before 2050.
“through the commitment of the ‘Paris Agreement’ with the target of reducing the country’s green gas emissions by 20 percent by 2030.
carrying out development, environmental sustainability will continue to be the main agenda of the country, because it will be inherited by future generations.“
His Majesty King’s Titah
15th July 2024
our offset of annual CO2 emissions. We have achieved a significant reduction in carbon emissions through the production of clean energy.
“perubahan iklim menerusi komitmen ‘Perjanjian Paris’ dengan sasaran pengurangan pelepasan gas hijau negara sebanyak 20 peratus menjelang 2030.
melaksanakan pembangunan, kelestarian alam akan terus menjadi agenda utama negara, kerana ia akan diwarisi oleh generasi akan datang.”
15th July 2024
decrease in sulfur dioxide emissions through renewable energy adoption.
Our Reference projects
We’re Here for a Sustainable Future

20%-off on all our premium solar panel installations
Go solar now and save! Start generating clean and cost-effective energy for your home or business while taking advantage of this exclusive offer.

John Smith from GreenTech Solutions

Sarah Johnson from Clean Energy Co

Mark Thompson from EcoPower

Michael Brown from RenewEnergy
Accelerate Innovation in CO2 and Digitalisation as the frontrunner in the building materials industry.